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Trade Disclaimer

The testimonials and examples provided are from real students and the income examples have been verified as authentic. The testimonials and examples are NOT however a claim, guarantee, or warranty that you will achieve the same results or any results at all. You may lose actual money as a result of your involvement in the Forex, Cryptocurrency, Stock, Binary Options and Indices markets. You understand that, like anything else, trading activities inherently involve risk and you fully accept any and all risk(s) as a result of your involvement in the aforementioned markets.

Actual results, and the results you achieve, are based on your individual effort, understanding of the course material, follow up with questions regarding any material or concepts you don’t completely understand, research of the markets and current events that may impact the markets, amount of income invested, your level of participation in the markets, individual effort and other factors that may or may not be predictable, avoidable or controllable.

You also acknowledge that you are not required to actively participate in any trading in the markets above as a result of your participation in the course(s) provided. Active participation with actual currency is solely at your discretion. Trading in your demo account until you feel comfortable to trade actual money is strongly advised. 

The course and all curriculum, statements, examples, videos, live training, and other materials not mentioned, are provided for educational purposes only. ABSOLUTELY nothing as a result of your involvement with iGenWealth or the individual instructor(s) constitutes financial advice, financial consulting or any agency or fiduciary relationship between you, iGenWealth and/or the instructor(s) providing the curriculum, statements, examples, videos, live training and other materials presented inside the iGenWealth platform.

You are encouraged to consult with a licensed financial advisor and/or tax consultant to understand how the curriculum, statements, examples, videos, live training, and other materials impact your personal financial situation.